Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Ladies and gentlemen, you have landed on Josh's blog. Welcome! Admission fee is one comment; feel free to add more if you're feeling generous. Thank you and enjoy.

Movies are not a waste of time. It is a powerful form of communication if its audience is susceptible to its verbal/subliminal messages. If a particular film is well-directed and immersive enough, it's a brilliant form of escapism from the daily stresses of our fast-paced lives. On this note, movies can also inform, influence, and ultimately, inspire.

Renowned Disney computer-animation studio, Pixar recently released their latest film, "Wall-E" to worldwide critical acclaim. I can see why. It has spectacular imagery, poignant romance and impactfully advises us humans to stop polluting and start saving our only planet before it's too late. Al Gore would approve.

Personally, Wall-E appealed to both my heart (ethos) and mind (logos) with its contrasting, heartwarming moments of love and desolate scenes of utter destruction. There was one fascinating aspect of communication that was largely at work throughout the entire show- and that was 'action (nonverbal messages) speaks louder than words (verbal)'. I feel that the animators' expert use of nonverbal cues to convey the actors 'thoughts' was focal to the show's success. Without this, the robots would not have been able to communicate to us, its audience, with such vividness and would not have endeared and captured us so utterly.

But if you're looking for a laugh and/or suffering from Post-Beijing Olympic disorder, go Mad about English! Thank you you [sic]!


Anonymous said...

hey did you know that Pixar is a company created by Steve Jobs? the same guy that gave us macintosh, Iphone, ipods etc. Oh yes i totally agree with you that movies are a great form of communications. cheers mate

bOn said...

yea, i'm sure many people feel that movies are not a waste of time. i feel that movies play a very important role in influencing a person's thinking and his perception of something. they also serve as a form of entertainment, and in same cases, motivation. i would like to meet the person who says that movies are a waste of time. haha!

Anonymous said...

hello english man i totally agree with what you wrote in this entry. did you know that during the US recession the movie earnings actually shot up instead of dropping since people usually would want to save money on such expenditures right? the reason was because movies provide a form of solace and comfort for people who want to escape reality through this form of entertainment. chinese movies like the red cliff piqued the interest of teens to find out more about the rich history of china and certain hollywood movies communicate important messages to audiences and influence them, be it environmental conversation or influencing a kind of political ideology over people such as american propaganda haha

Josh K said...

darren- steve job$.

bon- i'll let you know who that person is, then we can ahem, COMMUNICATE with that person together.

eunice- eh no more englishman already, i'm a piece of art haha, you see again (inside joke between us)! well said la! exactly what i meant. :) the power of media, huh?

Anonymous said...

helloo josh!
yeah totally agree with you that al gore is rooting for wall-e all the way. and also on the logos, pathos. but you forgot one more - ETHOS! credibility and all.

wall-e is produced by the creators of many many other disney animations like Finding Nemo, Cars, and The Incrediles! just to name a few. hoho.

Yeap sorry am a su*ker for Disney and all things robots. :)

Anonymous said...

Movies could be a good mode of communication but I feel that there are other avenues that do a better job so much so that advestisements are slammed into our faces. 1 would be posters pasted as wallpaper of a walkway or TV mobile. On top of that, movies are for people with money and time.

SHUFEN said...

movies are not a waste of time but a great form of entertainment! pixar movies like wall-e is a great way of letting kids today get the message that our earth is gonna die soon if they dont start recycling alr. so... yay to disney! see you in sch maris boy!

Anonymous said...

Movies are definitely not a waste of time. I know most people will say that movies are produced for mainly entertainment purposes but I have to disagree. For example, Wall-E was a great movie in which the producer has done a great job to inform the audience on how much mankind has been polluting the earth. He also has added a romance to make the movie more touching and engrossing and at the same time to ensure that kids develop a sense of love, not hatred among other people who might be different. And all this using nonverbal communication! So how cool is that?!

Josh K said...
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Josh K said...

well said, good readers!

most of you are (rightfully, in my opinion :p) pro-movie, but like mr leonard pointed out: not everyone has the time, money or interest to catch a flicker.

he makes a good point. perhaps he should petition for lower ticket prices? haha...

yond :) said...

Lol Al Gore would approve.

Wall-E is so not a waste of time! Aside from Wall-E's sweet ways of pursuing Eve, the film also had an underlying message. As we all know, global warming has been a hot topic recently. Probably because it's a subject much closer to us than we think it to be. So it's pretty cool that such a sombre message can be effectively injected into a movie aimed at kids. Then again, what other better ways are there to spread the message to kids?

Anonymous said...

hi joshua. i'm so excited about this new blog of yours. your thoughts interest me. and as you should know by now, you are my world. nothing is anything without something. which makes up everything. you're my something, which makes nothing into anything, and all the anythings make up everything, which once again started from one thing. you.
